*Digte og sange til Jackie*

Ukendt forfatter

Ole Lukøje, hvor bli'r du af?
Har du glemt der er gået en dag?
Far og Mor har forlængst sagt godnat.
Og nu var det at du sku' ta' fat.

Det er dig, der har drømmene med,
det ved jeg godt.
Og du sværmer på Torneroses slot.

Det er her du skal være,
har du hørt, hvad jeg sagde.

Ole Lukøje, hvor bli'r du af?

En godnatsang min mor sang for min lillebror og mig, da vi var små. Jeg har sunget den for både Nicky og Jackie.
Jackie fik også sangen med sig.

Hvis en mors tårer over at miste sit barn kunne fodre verdenen, ville vi alle leve i overflod.


Mit hjerte bløder,
jeg føler det ej slå,
Du er væk,
og jeg føler mig alene.
Jeg ved du har fred,
ej mer' føler smerte,
dog er mit hjerte knust,
da du ej er hos mig.

Jeg vil gi' alt for,
at du var hos mig nu.
Gi' alt for at føle din varme,
gi' alt for at høre dit hjerte,
gi' alt for at holde dig ind til mig igen.
Det gør ondt.

Jeg elsker dig,
og ved at du har fred.
Jeg ved, at englene passer på dig,
til vi ses igen -
og det giver mig lidt ro - at du ej er alene.
Jeg vil græde noget tid endnu,
men ved, at altid vil være i mit hjerte.

Jeg prøvede at skrive et digt til Jackie, den dag han skulle begraves. Jeg nåede lige at renskrive sidste linie, da vi skulle ud af døren. Jeg havde overvejet at skrive det lidt om, men nej - dette her var det han fik med sig.

Nu hvor jeg skal leve uden dig,
forsvinder alle mine håb og drømme,
om den familie jeg havde set mig.
Om det liv vi skulle have.

Hvordan skal jeg komme igennem dagene uden dig?
Jeg har brug for at holde dig i mine arme,
holde dig tæt ind til mig,
og aldrig kan jeg holde dig igen.

Du var en del af min sjæl,
en del af mit hjerte,
og de dele har du taget med dig.
Taget med til dit nye hjem.

Behold de dele du har taget med,
for de tilhører dig.
Uanset hvad der sker i mit liv.
Vil ingen anden kunne tage din plads der.


Tears In Heaven
Eric Clapton
Would you know my name
If I saw you in heaven
Will it be the same
If I saw you in heaven
I must be strong, and carry on
Cause I know I don't belong
Here in heaven

Would you hold my hand
If I saw you in heaven
Would you help me stand
If I saw you in heaven
I'll find my way, through night and day
Cause I know I just can't stay
Here in heaven

Time can bring you down
Time can bend your knee
Time can break your heart
Have you begging please
Begging please


Beyond the door
There's peace I'm sure.
And I know there'll be no more...
Tears in heaven

Would you know my name
If I saw you in heaven
Will it be the same
If I saw you in heaven
I must be strong, and carry on
Cause I know I don't belong
Here in heaven

Cause I know I don't belong
Here in heaven

Sangen her fandt André til mig på nettet, så vi kunne lytte til den. Det var om søndagen, da Jackie var koblet fra respiratoren. Det var hårdt, men jeg ønskede, at han skulle have den med sig, når jeg vidste, at sangen ville have en vis indflydelse på mig fremover. 
(Til jer, der måske ikke ved det - skrev Eric Clapton sangen, da han mistede sin egen søn).
Whisper of an Angel
Forfatter ukendt

The whisper of an angel
Can open Heaven's gate,
A glimpse of faith and courage
A love strong enough to wait,

Whisper you are safe
Whisper softly, angel love,
My heart is aching so
Needing comfort from above,

Tell me you are with me
Whisper gently in my ear,
"You will always be my mommy"
In the quiet I will hear,

My heart still aches to hold you
I close my eyes and see,
Your face now, four years later
And who you were to be,

Though dreams I once held close
In the distance now, so far
Still you're more than just my child
You're the twinkle in the stars,

So I'll hear your angel whispers
"You never need let go,
Hold me, mommy, close within"
Though the pain and sorrow flow,
One day we shall reunite
Angels whisper words of grace,
And I promise I will hold you
In another time and place.
Author unknown

Do Babies Grow Up In Heaven?
Will I know my baby when we meet again?
Will he have grown up, not be the infant that died in my arms?
Will I recognize him, be able to find him among so many others?
Or will he be a stranger to me, not knowing who I am, or me knowing him?

Do babies grow up in heaven?
He never got his first tooth or said his first words.
No first shoes, no Santa, no first birthday cake.
Will my son still be a baby when we meet again?

Do babies grow up in heaven?
Who sings him precious lullabies?
Who holds him close and kisses him every day?
Who tells him constantly that they love him?

Do babies grow up in heaven?
When we next meet, will he know me?
Will he want to know me?
Will he be my son who died at three weeks, or a man, fully grown?
Will I have the joy of being a mother to my son for all eternity?

Do babies grow up in heaven?
Will I be able to hold him, love him, sing lullabies to him?
Will I be able to hold his tiny hand, or will it be a man's hands?
Will I ever have the joy that only holding my son can bring?
I need to know! In heaven, is my baby still a baby?

Forfatter ukendt

Dry your tears.
Please dry your tears and laugh again,
Let go your hurt, release your pain,
Accept that my time on earth was complete,
My lessons all learned, some bitter, some sweet.
Envisage the me, who was healthy and strong,
Don't hold the memory of where it went wrong,
Know that the place where I am feels so right,
I'm surrounded by love and bathed in white light.
Don't cling on to heartache and think I'm afar,
For I stand by your side, wherever you are,
In your joy and your sorrow, every night, every day,
I'm there with my love, just one thought away.
Step into the sunshine, come out of the rain;
For me dry your tears, for me laugh again.

Baby Footprints
Forfatter ukendt

"How very softly you tip-toed into our world
almost silently,
only a moment you stayed
but what an imprint your footprints
have left upon our hearts"


They say memories are golden
well maybe that is true.
I never wanted memories,
I only wanted you.

A million times I needed you,
a million times I cried.
If love alone could have saved you
you never would have died.

In life I loved you dearly,
In death I love you still.
In my heart you hold a place
no one could ever fill.

If tears could build a stairway
and heartache make a lane,
I'd walk the path to heaven
and bring you back again.

Our family chain is broken,
and nothing seems the same.
But as God calls us one by one,
the chain will link again.

Your Time came way too soon.
None of us Knew you were leaving
And By the light of the night moon,
You left us behind forever grieving.

Kæreste Jackie,

I himmerigets evige blå,
du sidder trygt og passer på
at ej mere ondt skal hænde,
og lader HÅBETS lys brænde
for din far og din dejlige mor
og selvfølgelig din storebror.
Send dem, som jeg, tusindvis tanker,
KÆRLIGHEDEN i dem altid banker.

Fra Bettina, din mors veninde

My Heart Will Go On
Celine Dion

Every night in my dreams I see you, I feel you,
That is how I know you go on.
Far across the distance and spaces between us,
You have come to show you go on.

Near, far, wherever you are I believe that the heart does go on.
Once more you open the door and you're here in my heart
And my heart will go on and on.

Love can touch us one time and last for a lifetime
And never let go till we're one.
Love was when I loved you one true time I hold to
In my life we'll always go on

Near, far, wherever you are I believe that the heart does go on
Once more you open the door and you're here in my heart
And my heart will go on and on

There is some love that will not go away
You're here, there's nothing I fear, and I know that my heart will go on
We'll stay forever this way you are safe in my heart...


Celine Dion

Fly, fly little wing
Fly beyond imagining
The softest cloud, the whitest dove
Upon the wind of heaven's love
Past the planets and the stars
Leave this lonely world of ours
Escape the sorrow and the pain
And fly again

Fly, fly precious one
Your endless journey has begun
Take your gentle happiness
Far too beautiful for this
Cross over to the other shore
There is peace forevermore
But hold this mem'ry bittersweet
Until we meet

Fly, fly do not fear
Don't waste a breath, don't shed a tear
Your heart is pure, your soul is free
Be on your way, don't wait for me
Above the universe you'll climb
On beyond the hands of time
The moon will rise, the sun will set
But I won't forget

Fly, fly little wing
Fly where only angels sing
Fly away, the time is right
Go now, find the light

My Son

Lord, help me not to focus
On his death, but on his life.
All the moments that we had him
Not the struggles and the strife.
He was a gift and not a "right."
You owe us nothing, Lord.
We thank You for the joy he brought
This sweet little boy we adored.
--Elizabeth Dent

Forfatter ukendt

When my baby died, I felt as though I was suddenly caught up in a tornado whirlwind, spinning around in circles and upside down, finally dropping at lightening speed back to earth, but in a totally different place from where I was first picked up, and unable to find my way back to the place I had been before. That place no longer exists.

Just once

Forfatter ukendt

Just once I wish I could have spent a late hour rocking you in my arms.
Just once I wish I could have gently lain you in your crib.
I wish I could have changed a diaper, chosen an outfit for the day,
given you a bath, soothed your skin with lotion...
Just once I wish I could have heard you cry out
in loneliness for me, spent time alone with you.
Just the two of us, strolled you proudly through the shopping mall.
Just once I wish I could have heard the words:
"What a beautiful, healthy baby boy!!"
Just Once.

(Author Unknown)

Please don't tell them you never got to know me

Forfatter ukendt

It is I whose kicks you will always remember,
I who gave you heartburn that a dragon would envy.
I who couldn't seem to tell time and got your
days and nights mixed up.
It is I who acknowledged your craving for peach ice cream
by knocking the cold bowl off your belly.
I who went shopping and helped you pick out
the "perfect" teddy bear for me.
I who liked to be cradled in your belly
and rocked off to dreamy slumber by the fire.
It is I who never had a doubt about your love,
It is I who was able to put a lifetime of joy into an instant

Dear Mommy

Dear Mommy, I just wanted to let you know
that I made it home.
The journey wasn't an easy one,
but it didn't take too long.
Everything is so pretty here,
so white, so fresh and new.
I wish that you could close your eyes
and that you could see it too.
Please try not to be sad for me...
Try to understand.
God is taking care of me...
I'm in the shelter of His hands.
Here there is no sadness,
no sorrow, and no pain.
Here there is no crying,
and I'll never hurt again.
Here it is so peaceful
when all the angels sing,
I really have to go now-
I've just got to try my wings!

Darlene Browning

Forfatter ukendt

A million times we'll miss you,
a million times we'll cry.
If loving could have saved you,
you never would have died.
In life we love you dearly,
In death we love you too.
In our hearts there is an empty place,
no one could fill but you.
It broke our hearts to lose you,
but you never went alone.
for part of us went with you,

when God took you home.
His garden must be pretty,
he only wants the best.
He put his loving arms around you
and said: "My child, come home to rest".


The Anniversary

Let me be sad today,
give me this day to mourn.
It's the date my little son died
and also the date he was born.
Let me think back to his birth,
the fear of viewing him, dead.
Memories of holding him close,
and cradling his little head.
Allow me to visit his grave,
to let a few balloons go.
To place flowers lovingly,
and trim the grass that does grow.
Allow me tears to cry,
love fills my heart to the brim.
Spilling it on those close by,
while always longing for him.

Elizabeth Dent

"Waiting for you"

My time on this earth was all too short,
But the time with my family couldn’t have meant more.
I know you guys want answers,
And want me to stay with you.

But God has something much more important for me to do.
Like watch over other babies, and watch over you
Most of all watch over mommy and daddy,
So they know how I love them too.

I have to go and help the angels, with such an important job.
All I need from you is to love me,
And know that I’m a child of God.

I’m not asking you to understand,
But please don’t grieve for me,
I just want you to look around and see that I am free.

Please know that I didn’t suffer,
And I love you guys so much.
You’ll never be without me,
As all of your hearts I have touched.

When I get to heaven trust I’m happier than before,
Just close your eyes, and think of me,
And we can talk once more.

Don’t cry a tear of sorrow
because it’s not yet over for me.
Just trust that there is no better place I could be.

When you see the sun shining bright,
or you watch the stars in the pale moonlight.
When you see the rain and all the trees,
Smile, relax, let them remind you of me.

Remember I’m still here and ready to listen,
Whatever you need to just say.
I’ve left my handprints on all your hearts,
So now we never have to part.

Whenever you need me just say my name,
And whenever I need you I’ll do the same.
Think of me in all you do,
And I’ll be up here waiting for you.

Digtet er et jeg har fået tilladelse til at låne til min hjemmeside - så det må ikke kopieres om nogen skulle have lyst.... håber, at det er i orden.... digtet har jeg lånt fra en side af Sarah Gibson, der også har mistet sin søn Joseph af NKH (Non ketotisk hyperglycinæmi).
(hvis nogen vil se et billede af ham eller læse hans historie)
Digtet er skrevet af hans moster.. Randi L. Gibson )

Kinesisk visdomsord.

Sorg er som en trekant, som drejer rundt i hjertet
med spidser som ridser.
Det gør ondt, forfærdelig ondt
til trekantens spidser er slidt af,
og der bare er en kugle igen, som glider uden smerte.

Sorg er en proces som ta'r tid, men den slutter.
Hvor lang processen er beror på, hvad vi har mistet,
hvilke ressourcer vi selv har, og hvilken støtte,
vi modtager fra omgivelserne.

Men når glæden over det, du har haft,
overskygger savnet af det, du har mistet,
når du ved, at du aldrig ville have undværet,
det som du har mistet,
selv om du var klar over,
at du engang måske
måtte gi' slip på det,
da er trekantens spidser afslidt,
og kuglen bli'r en skat i dit hjerte.

What makes a mother

Forfatter ukendt

I thought of you and closed my eyes
and praid to God today
I asked what makes a mother?
And I know I heard him say,

A mother has a baby
this we know is true
but God can you be a mother
when your baby is not with you?

Yes you can he replied
with confidence in his voice
I give many women babies
when they leave is not their choice

I just don´t understand this God
I want my baby to be here
he took a deep breath and cleared his throat
and then I saw the tear

I wish I could show you
what your child is doing today
If you could see your childs smile
with all the other children and say...

we go to earth to learn our lessons
of love and life and fear
my mommy loved me oh so much,
I got to come strait here

I feel so lucky to have a mom
who had so much love for me
I learned my lessons very quickly
my mommy set me free

I miss my mommy oh so much
but I visit her every day
when she goes to sleep
on her pillow is where I lay

I stroke her hair and kiss her cheek
and whisper in her ear
mommy don´t be sad today
I´m your baby and I am here

So you see my dear sweet ones
your children are okay
your babies are born here in my home
and this is where they´ll stay

They´ll wait for you with me
until your lessons are through
and on the day you come home
they´ll be at the gates for you

So now you see what makes a mother
it´s the feeling in your heart
it´s the love you had so much of
right from the start

Though some on earth may not realize you´re a mother
until their time is done
they´ll be up here with me one day
and know that you are the best one

My Mom is a survivor

My Mom is a survivor,
or so I've heard it said.
But I can hear her crying at night
when all others are in bed.

I watch her lay awake at night
and go to hold her hand.
She doesn't know I'm with her
to help her understand.

But like the sands on the beach
that never wash away...
I watch over my surviving mom,
who thinks of me each day.

She wears a smile for others...
a smile of disguise!
But through Heaven's door I see
tears flowing from her eyes.

My mom tries to cope with death
by keeping my memory alive.
But anyone who knows her well
knows it is her way to survive.

As I watch over my surviving mom
through Heaven's open door...
I try to tell her that angels
protect me forevermore.

I know that doesn't help her...
or ease the burden she bears.
So if you get a chance, go visit her...
and show her that you care.

For no matter what she says...
no matter what she feels.
My surviving mom has a broken heart
that time won't ever heal.

By Kaye Des'Ormeaux
October 15, 1998
Dedicated to the mothers who have
lost a child & have somehow survived.)

Perhaps they are not the stars,
but rather openings in Heaven
where the love of our lost ones
pours through and shines down upon us
to let us know they are happy.

-Inspired by an Eskimo legend (Hallmark)

 Oh Mother, my mother

Oh Mother, my mother
I touch your tears
invisible fingers
soothing your skin
I know you think of me so often
in the day, in the night,
in your dreams
going into an empty nursery
knowing I'll never be there
but I am...in your heart
in your soul, I shall always be
for you gave so unselfishly of yourself.
Inside of you , you created
such a world for me
a world of laughter, of love
of sadness, of sorrow
every emotion people come to know
you shared with me.
And even though I may never
feel your arms around me
I felt your heart beating,
like a lullaby, singing me to sleep
and your spirit giving me a safe haven
already protecting me
nurturing me
preparing me of things to come.
But sometimes the journey
of life pulls souls apart
and yes, I had to go on
to another place.
I wish I could stay
I wish this was a decision I could make
and I know you do too.
Know this wherever you are:
I will always remember
that yours was the first love
the first joy, the first soul
I will ever know
you gave me the courage to
go on in my journey
I hope I can do the same
for you
Your heart beat will always
call me to you.

Love, your child


Oh Father, my father

Close your eyes and feel me near
keep me inside your heart
let me live in your soul
you see through tears
the things we will never do
running across the fields of my youth
games never played
but it is not gone
those dreams you hold so close
for I live on in every child you see
little ones standing alone...lost
or laughing in a playground
swinging so high
touching the tree tops
that is I
wanting just to love
feel my happiness in the song of a bird
see my sorrow in mother
hold her close forever
feeling your strength
for there will be one to come behind me
whether through God's grace or
from a different calling
a child chosen through His hand.
For in darkness, a light will appear
even if it is just the dawn
signaling a new beginning
and as you gather my mother to your heart
release your tears
let the healing begin
and discover that I am here
in your dreams
in your tomorrows
Every rainbow is the path home
and if you should stumble
I am the wings that shall lift you

Love, your child

Deep In My Heart

Happy little memories

go flitting through my mind

And in all my thoughts and memories

I always seem to find

The picture of your face, dear,

the memory of your touch,

And all the other little things

I've come to love so much.

You cannot go beyond my thoughts

or leave my love behind,

Because I keep you in my heart

and forever in my mind.

And though I may not tell you,

I think you know it's true

That I find daily happiness

in the very thought of you.

-Helen Steiner Rice


The mention of my child's name
may bring tears to my eyes
but it never fails
to bring music to my ears.
If you really are my friend,
please don't keep me
from hearing the beautiful music.
It soothes my broken heart
and fills my soul with Love.
-Author Unknown
Precious little one

Precious tiny little one
you'll always be to me
so perfect pure and innocent
part of heavens family.

We dreamed of you and your life
and all that it would be.
We waited and longed for you to come
and join our family.

We never had the chance to play
to laugh to rock to wiggle.
We long to hold you, touch you now
and listen to you giggle.

I'll always be your mother.
He'll always be your dad.
You will always be our child,
The child that we had.

But now you're gone...but yet you're here.
We'll sense you everywhere.
You are our sorrow and our joy.
There's love in every tear.

Just know our love goes deep and strong
we'll forget you never-
 the child we had but never had
and yet will have forever.